Banko Gotiti | Ethiopia | Filter
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Nectarine & Black Tea
Harvest: December 2023
Country: Ethiopia
Producer: Banko Gotiti
Region: Yirgacheffe
Process: Washed
Variety: Heirloom
Altitude: 1,950-2,100 maslThis coffee has been sourced from family owned farms which form the Banko Gotiti farmers cooperative in Yirgacheffe. This cooperative was established in 2012 as a separate entity from the larger Worka Cooperative, and currently has approximately 300 members. The farms are situated in the high altitudes surrounding the Banko Gotiti washing station, and are on average two hectares in size. The coffee production here is shade-grown and intercropped with agroforestry. Farmers grow indigenous trees and bananas alongside their coffee plants, making most of the production here Rainforest Alliance Certified. The current factory manager at the washing station is called Museyid Sermelo, who does a great job making sure the coffees are processed and dried to the highest standards. This particular lot has been processed using the washed method and has been dried on raised beds for 10-15 days.
We’ve tasted lots of beautiful coffees from Banko Gotiti over the years, but this is the first time purchasing from this cooperative ourselves. We selected this lot for its complex flavour, high sweetness and wonderful balance. You can also expect a brilliant coating, almost milky mouthfeel which really complements the fruity top notes in this coffee.
Price we paid: €11.40/kg
FOB: €7.88/kg
Weight Purchased: 360kg
Relationship: 1 year
Importer: Nordic Approach
Cherries harvested by surrounding smallholders are delivered to the Banko Gotiti washing station for processing. The dried parchment must then be approved by the Ethiopian Commodity Exchange (ECX) checkpoint where its contents are graded and registered as exportable product before it is warehoused in Addis Ababa. The exporter, BNT Industry & Trading PLC then mills the coffee, prepares the export documentation and transports the coffee to the port in Djibouti. Our importer, Nordic Approach, ships the coffee to their warehouse in Belgium and arranges the onward transport to our roastery.