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Javier Cardozo | Colombia | Filter

  • Information
  • Transparency
  • Plum & Black Tea
    Harvest: June 2024

    Country: Colombia
    Producer: Javier Cardozo
    Region: Garzón, Huila
    Process: Washed
    Variety: Bourbon
    Altitude: 1,800 

    This is the second year we have bought coffee from Javier Cardozo and his son Arvey. Javier has nearly 50 years of experience working as a coffee farmer, which is perhaps why the coffee he produces is always so exceptionally sweet and clean tasting.  

    The cherries at Javier’s farm ‘La Cabaña’ are picked every 15 days and then processed at his wet mill. They are then fermented for 36 hours, washed, and dried on covered and raised beds. Javier mainly cultivates Colombia and Castillo varieties but this lot has been picked exclusively from the small amount of Bourbon trees he has on the farm. Expect a well balanced and complex coffee, with notes of plum, hibiscus and hazelnut.


  • Price we paid: €12.28/kg

    FOB: €6.90/kg

    Weight Purchased: 490 kgs

    Relationship: 2 years

    Importer: Nordic Approach

    Javier grows, harvests, pulps and ferments all of his coffee at his farm, La Cabaña. After processing, he sells the parchment to Coocentral, a cooperative who mills the coffee, prepares the export documentation and transports the coffee to port. Coocentral then sells the coffee to our importer, Nordic Approach, who ships the coffee to their own warehouse in Belgium and arranges the onward transport to our roastery.